The Wisdom of this Age

Biyama Joseph Ayuba
3 min readFeb 1, 2021


The wisdom of this age is sound, it is attractive and undeniably result-driven. It has the ability to move you from point A to point B, with fruits to show for your hard work. The wisdom of this age stands you out and stands you smart. It doesn’t matter if you have to water down values to get things done. It is still wisdom, but the wisdom of this age.

The wisdom of this age is audacious, intimidating, and pompous. It makes so much noise on account of its flashy but fleeting tokens of reward. Its ways are the ways of the high minded, the proud, and the scornful. This kind of wisdom casts off all restraint. It is not accountable to anyone, neither is it submitted to any governing principles.

Fundamentally, he who wields this kind of wisdom subscribes to personal governing principles that are largely selfish. The Is, the Mes, and the Mys. “I do as I will. Whatever makes me happy. It is my life”. A pretty vain way to live if you ask me. But you see, the wisdom of this age is rooted in self-aggrandizement.

The wisdom of this age in the bid to advance life, raised formidable socio-economic systems, strong governmental structures, and super smart technological frameworks, but denied the very essence of human advancement. I mean, what is advancement if the soul is stunted? But the wisdom of this age cares for nothing eternal. It all starts and ends here.

The wisdom of this age is so presumptuous that it dared explain away creation as a big bang. A sophisticated but perfectly crafted world with no craftsman. A beautiful piece of art with no artist. A well-coordinated structure with no administrator. The wisdom of this age is so self-consumed that it sees nothing but itself.

The wisdom of this age is what has you contemplating God; whether or not it is profitable to cast all your cares on Him in a day when intellect and street-smart pays. The wisdom of this age is what has you tampering truth with logic, for you say to yourself; “my wisdom is profitable to direct.”

The wisdom of this age sees a woman in a man and a man in a woman, for gender is inexistent, or a matter of personal choice at best. The wisdom of this age is so perverse, it leaves you rethinking your convictions whenever it hits.

But the wisdom of this age is foolishness with God. For He catches the wise in their own craftiness; and He knows their thoughts, that they are futile. 1 Corinthians 3:19–20 (Paraphrased).

The wisdom of this age is only but a shadow of the real thing. The prince of the power of the air, who is the custodian of the wisdom of this age is a master at tweaking truth to produce a form of it, for the sole purpose of leading men away. It is so subtle that you don’t see it coming, and here lies the reason homosexuality makes sense to the world today. But this is a story for another day.

So, what is the real deal? The wisdom of God.

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. James 3:17.

If it isn’t everything in the above scripture and more, it isn’t the wisdom of God. And that wisdom is a person, his name is CHRIST.


Biyama Joseph



Biyama Joseph Ayuba

An avid reader, and a passionate learner. Writer, Blogger, Communication Strategist. Love God, change the word.