Moment of Truth

“There is no mess without a message” is a popular saying that seems to hold some kind of light in our day. But I say, that is only true if you pay attention to examine the “mess” enough to pick out the message in it. And more so, gain understanding and courage enough to turn the “mess” into a message that can bless others.
A good number of my write-ups contain stories of what used to be me. Of course creatively crafted, such that you may never be able to tell unless you know me that well. But, yes they do. Once upon a time, I was naive, foolish, and grossly lacking in wisdom. I lived instinctively. Believing that to satisfy some momentary desires was all I lived for.
Although unnatural to whom God had created me to be. But there I was. Making all the wrong choices and wrecking my life in a million different places. I wish I could say that those days were fun while they lasted. But no they weren’t. I was a prisoner. I was unhappy. I knew somewhere in my heart that I was created for better. But we are talking about “mess”, aren’t we?
And here’s what I still find amazing recalling those moments; the skill with which I masked my pain and frustration was unbelievable. For the most part, I was only a shadow of myself. But this is the catch; when the devil sets out to destroy you, he also comes bearing costumes for the show. Just to make it look cool. He’s a master at what he does.

I could go on to blame my “mess” on certain factors that characterize the life of a young boy growing up in one of the lowliest regions of this country. I could blame it on unhealthy exposure. I could blame it on peer influence. I could blame it on anything. Even on God if I wish.
Point is, your mess can find you wherever you are. Even in the most unlikely of places or circumstances. But it’ll come for you. And maybe your mess was nothing like mine, but I’m sure if you look back, you’ll find instances when Satan came at you with almost everything he’s got. He hunted you as though you were the only existing thing on the earth.
And maybe you’re still entrapped in some of it right now. Know that a lot of people are. The thing with the adversary is that he is tenacious. Scripture says “he moves about like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour.”
But the good news is, he always looses! He’ll never win this battle against you. And that is a mess he’ll never recover from.

Now what’s important is the lesson you’re keen enough to draw from your experiences that can serve as a light to helping someone rise from their place of struggle. That’s your message right there.
Not all experiences are the same, but you will always find someone needing your unique insight.
And although we don’t celebrate the “mess”, or take joy in the scars, we are grateful that our stories can inspire and cause transformation in the lives of others. But this can only happen if we let God handle it.
Because, though you have the experience, it’ll never become a message unless you are healed and whole enough to declare it. At best you’ll end up with several reasons to look back and regret. And that’s a bigger mess.

So Jesus would say in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” So, unless you receive the rest that Jesus offers, it’ll become impossible for you to bring others into it.
I’d like to close with a verse of scripture I find particularly encouraging when I think about these things.
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
James 1:2–4 NKJV
Biyama Joseph